Get The Customer Buy-in You Need to Build A Thriving Reference Network. Here’s How.

The stellar upside of a glowing reference network isn’t news for most of us.
Golan Raz
15 Jun

 The stellar upside of a glowing reference network isn’t news for most of us.


Imagine it: Your warmed up lead chatting with your happiest customer, hearing from a powerfully credible source that has once been in their shoes. Not only is your reference singing your praises – they’re doing it while being armed with external credibility and real-world experience with your product or service.


It's authentic and organic interactions like these that work wonders in easing your prospects’ fears of taking a wrong turn. And it ends in higher win-rates and shorter sales cycles as a result.



Yes, the upside of a reference network is obvious – but building a successful one is  where most of us get stuck.  


Because one big obstacle always lingers in the minds of those who set out to create a network of their own:


What’s in it for them? Why would our clients spend their free time helping my team get more sales?


It’s a great question – so we set out to find the answer!


Our team searched high and low, immersing ourselves in deep research on B2B stakeholders, sales executives, and individuals involved in reference networks for products and services they love. 


And our findings were surprising (in the best possible way):
The biggest obstacle to building a thriving network isn’t about your client’s willingness to take part – It’s a lack of a simple, systematic way to do so. 


Because it turns out, there’s a lot in it for them. 4 main motivations to be exact: 


  • Contribution. Your clients want to spread the word about a product or service that makes their lives easier and better. It’s a way to show their appreciation and ensure you stick around.
  • Self-image. In the client’s mind, being associated with a top-notch business increases their visibility and sets them up as industry leaders.
  • Community. Being a part of a group with similar interests is a great networking opportunity for references. Plus, it gives them that feeling of belonging that we all crave.
  • Monetary reward. When compensated for their time and insights, clients feel they are truly appreciated – and they’re all the more motivated to participate. 


In essence: Your references are more than willing to help. BUT, if the process feels complicated and energy-draining, they’ll drop the idea before you can even get your reference program off the ground.


And that’s why we created Deeto: An automated way to build a strong and sustained reference network.


Using AI, Deeto systematically invites your top contacts to join your network while making it easy for them to share their unique insights with prospects who want to hear from them. We treat every user as an individual instead of a company, so they feel personally invested in the process. 


On top of that, we’ve inbuilt the 4 motivating factors into our platform so your network know exactly what’s in it for them


  1. They get to support a business they love while helping others in their decision-making process.
  2. They receive points which can be redeemed as gift cards or donated to nonprofits of their choice.
  3. Their expertise level is gamified with badges and rewards, elevating their exposure and status within the platform.
  4. They can network with other references to influence the future of your product or service. 

Ready to build your own supportive community of brand superfans?
(And for the higher win ratio and lower sales costs that come with it?)

 We’ll make it easy.