Revolutionize Your Reference Strategy

You know the drill - your prospect is on the cusp of closing the deal, but they need one more reassurance.
29 Nov


You know the drill - your prospect is on the cusp of closing the deal, but they need one more reassurance: a reference call. 

Cue any AE’s worst nightmare. Finding the proper reference, getting them to respond to your emails, coordinating schedules between the prospect and reference, and the list goes on. 

Although most of us can agree that having your happy customers share their raw and authentic experiences with a prospect could be a game-changer, the hustle and bustle of making it happen are just too much. 

Let’s see how we can change that. 

The Current Landscape

The typical scenario in the B2B Tech industry involves your Account Executive (AE) trying to seal the deal. Prospective clients turn to review platforms, seek permission to contact existing customers for insights, and initiate a complex communication process between AE, CS or Customer Advocacy, and your references. This time-consuming process is never complete without an abundance of back and forth emails, scheduling, issues, and an overall hustle for all parties involved. 

The Problem

Not only does this process pose a threat to your deals at the most sensitive stage, but it creates real and unnecessary stress for all teams involved. The complexity and lack of organization in today's social proof procedures hinder the efficiency of your deals and impact the overall experience for your team, your references and the prospect. In a world accustomed to fast and streamlined digital interactions, a company seeking optimized growth practices must adapt to provide a smoother, more accessible referencing  experience.

Practical Steps to Elevate Your Social Proof Game

1. One-stop-shop: Establish a unified platform, be it a customer advocacy platform or a dedicated Slack channel, where interactions with satisfied customers can occur seamlessly. 

Pro tip: A good first step is to create a CRM field where you can mark your top customers, and invite them all to join one communication channel (be that a Slack channel, Email list, etc.). 

2. Personalize their experience: Empower your customers by allowing them to choose how and when they contribute. Implement personalized scheduling for reference calls and tailor prompts for reviews to make their involvement convenient and meaningful.

Pro Tip: Create a Google form and ask your customers to share which advocacy tasks they would be willing to participate in (write a review, record a video testimonial, participate in public speaking events, etc.). 

3. Acknowledge their support:  Implement a personalized reward system to express gratitude at each step. Consider sending thank-you cards, offering gift cards of their choice, or even making a donation to a cause they support.


Implementing the changes mentioned above will completely transform your reference game. From recruiting powerful advocates, to smart-matching them with the right prospect for highest conversions - there’s a whole lot to gain. 

Deeto Can Help

Enter Deeto – the solution to revolutionize your B2B Tech social proof strategy. In the Deeto platform, we simplify the process, allowing customers to onboard themselves, choose their preferred way of assistance, and effortlessly set their availability. With smart matching, auto-scheduling, and advanced AI, Deeto transforms customer feedback into a robust social proof library that authentically reinforces your unique selling points.Oh, and we take care of the rewards as well. 

Experience the next level of referencing management with Deeto and witness a seamless, stress-free journey for your team and valued customers. See how it works.