Why Word-of-Mouth Isn't Dead: How Social Proof Can Boost Your Sales

Are you tired of spending thousands of dollars and way too much time trying to prove your worth to your prospects?
28 Nov


Are you tired of spending thousands of dollars and way too much time trying to prove your worth to your prospects? We understand your struggle. Here's an interesting thought - We believe that there's one, very versatile tool, that most companies underutilize - Social proof. 

Yes, this ancient  (and sometimes vague) lost art. 

Or, if you ask us -  the new word-of-mouth for the business world. In this blog post, we'll dive into why social proof is the key to boosting your sales while keeping your GTM budget under control and how utilizing your happy customers can directly help you close more deals.

Understanding the Power of Customer Advocacy in Modern Day Business

In today's competitive business landscape, prospects are inundated with a multiplicity of information and suggestions as to all of the tools they can use & buy. This red ocean of never ending propositions brings with it a few distinct challenges. 

- Our trust levels as buyers are on a downward spiral.
- We have a limited attention span being divided between a multiplicity of overcrowded channels.
- The competitive landscape has become a unified stone of paid ads and cold calls. 

Customer advocacy provides a powerful way to cut through the noise, boost the authenticity and capture the attention of potential customers. By harnessing the positive experiences and recommendations of existing customers, businesses can build a solid foundation made of trust and credibility, stand out in the crowded marketplace, and create a new and leaner angle to their sales efforts. 

The Role of Social Proof in Digital Word-of-Mouth

Simply put, social proof has become the new word-of-mouth. With the abundance of online reviews and recommendations, prospects rely heavily on the opinions and experiences of others during the research phase and even more so, before making a purchase decision.
This shift in our behavior highlights the importance of leveraging social proof to not only gain trust, but to provide solid assistance in your prospect’s pre-purchase research and evaluation efforts.

If you quickly zoom-out, you will notice that the leading brands of the world have been putting social proof at the forefront of their strategy for years - whether through reviews, an entire ““Customers frequently viewed” section, or one-on-one reference calls. Even Apple has made the conscious decision to use a picture taken on an Iphone by a real customer as part of their recent NYC billboard campaign - rather than hiring the best photographer in town. 

Practical Steps to Implement Customer Advocacy in your Company

In the Deeto platform, we help you take your social proof game to the next level. From allowing customers to onboard themselves, letting them choose how they want to help, and making it easy and frictionless for them to create social proof in a way that is easy and convenient.  With our advanced ML and AI we are able to transform the most basic customer feedback into an abundant social proof library that reinforces your unique selling points in the most authentic way. See how it works.